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ServiceNow - Using Lists and Views

Using Lists and Views A lot of the information in ServiceNow is presented in lists. Lists are powerful, and allow users to sort through reams of information, extract that information, and create custom personal views and filters that can be saved. For the purposes of this demo, we'll look at the Cases table, but the information can be used in various places, including other tables and reports.

A list has generally a few areas of interest and layout. We'll be covering them here so that people can access and find information in the way that they want to Customize Columns

One of the first things to make sure about your list view is to set up the columns that are most important to your account. By clicking on the Gear Icon in the upper left corner, a selection will appear allow the user to add or remove columns, and even reset back to the default columns. The columns available for selection depends on the type of record the list is displaying (e.g. the columns available to display will be different compared to a user list).

Filters There are a few ways to filter information and search information. Filters are extremely powerful and will allow users to present a view of data that makes sense to the user. For example, maybe it make sense to show all the cases from JPMC. In this case, Click on the Filter icon to unfurl the options

  • From that expanded filter view, users can now chose a field and operation, and the values they would like to filter on.* Users can add additional conditions such as AND or OR, and add a sort order.This filter can then be Saved so it can be accessed quickly later.
  • The user will be prompted to name the filter* They can then advise if it should be visible to either yourself, Everyone, or a Group* Click Save and the filter will now be available to be used
  • Or, press Run, to execute on the filter* If you need to make further refinements, or edits to the filter, simply click on the filter icon again, and make additions and run again. A Saved filter can then be re-accessed, or managed by clicking on the "hamburger" on the upper left corner and then selecting the saved filter from the list. You can also manage your filters by clicking on edit personal filters. Filter out, can also be used to add to your current filter. For any value in any column, right click on it, and select to "filter out" and it will automatically be added into the filter query. Searches Searches can be performed either from the very top of the list view, or in individual columns. The searches will return values based on the established filters

You can also use wildcards as a part of your search. (e.g., if you have a case number, and only want to look for the final 5 digits, use the search *#####*, *like *23456) Any search will then be added as a part of the "filter" at the top. If you do not see the search line under the column headers, click on the Magnifying Glass next to the Gear Icon in the list view Miscellaneous Items

  • Any list that is created, can be exported as a variety of different sheets, including Excel, CSV, JSON, and PDF. Just Right Click close to the header, and select Export → (File Format)* You can sort by any value by clicking on the "hamburger" in any column and choosing to sort ascending (a to z) or descending (z to a)* Clicking on the i icon next to any record opens a preview of the record that will show the most relevant information pertaining to the record.* Select any number of the records, and at the bottom, there's a selection that advises Actions on the Selected Rows. At times, it may be needed to perform a function on multiple records, and this would be the method to do it. This includes deleting.You can also Group your list results, providing collapsable lists groups. As an example, you can Group Account, and then have collapsable lists for each account
  • In the List view, click on the hamburger icon for the column or right click, and an option to Group by ** will be available. You can also click on the main hamburger in the upper left corner of the list and select Group By → Select the category of to group by To undo and go back to a full list view, just click on any column and select Ungroup
  • Any List and view that you find is very important to have available on hand, can be "favorited" so that it is a part of your list in your Navigation menu. To favorite your current list, click on the main hamburger icon in the upper left corner of the list and select Create Favorite. You'll then be prompted to select a name for the favorite, icon to distinguish it, and colors to make it more easily identifiable
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